Thursday, June 27, 2013

My Studios

Over the years I have had the pleasure of having some amazing studio to work in. I feel that it is absolutely crucial to love the area you will be perfecting your craft. I spend so much time in my studio so It's important to me that I create an place that I enjoy spending hours and hours at a time in. 

This was probably my favorite studio to work in. Not only was did it have amazing lighting, the room was HUGE. Being on the 2nd floor was perfect because of the great breeze on summer days with the 3 windows that wrapped around the room. The room was big enough to separate into 3 sections; a bedroom, living room and studio. Sadly, I moved out to live in Boston about a year ago. 

The great thing about going to school at Mass Art in Boston was the incredible studio area they had for the design students. This area was full of several studios where the artist were able to work. Working amongst talent students all at the same time was extremely inspiring and motivating. The Boston skyline to the left my me was also a nice break for my eyes.

This is my current studio now in Boston, MA. The great thing about this studio is that it's a separate room attached to my bedroom. Not having my workspace directly in my bedroom is so refreshing. Being able to close the door between my work and personal life is helpful in not losing concentration. 

Personal Illustration

New Findings
acrylic on board

This is a personal piece I did last year in my independent study class. It was a one on one course with a professor where you worked on a body of work around one theme. This was the first piece from a series that was focused on my life and the journey into finding my true self. This journey touched on my experiences with discrimination, family issues, and relationships.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My First Jesus Piece


"Through the Eyes"

This project consisted of creating your own personal response on the story or music of Jesus. I wanted to combine both the story and music together to create a emotional piece. Im not the most religious person but I wanted to attempt painting my own jesus which was inspired by my roommate Craig, who looks very much like Jesus.

I wanted to capture the pain, suffering, and sacrifice of Jesus Christ with an intimate piece by focusing on the part of the human body which evokes the most emotion. Also combining the music sheets from Bach's St. Matthew Passion created another layer of drama in this piece.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pinecone studies

acrylic on wood


1st Sculpture

The final for my Human Figure class required us to make a 3D sculpture of the human body. We had creative license to morph the figure into whatever as long as the proportions where close enough to the human body. Making a 3D figure really made me understand human anatomy unlike drawing could ever. You have to think of the bone structure/ muscle and how it forms on the body from every angle. 

First time working 3D

pen, acrylic, and pen
on glass

This project consisted of creating a narrative Illustration on a 3D object. Working on a 3D surface was something I have never done before but it was definitely and eye opener. I decided to take an my old whiskey decanter that my mother gave me and bring the story of it onto the bottle itself. 

Two years ago I took a year off from school to work. During that year I bartended at a local bar almost every night until close. I would get home at 1, 2, sometimes even 3am and wouldn't be able to fall asleep. A bar guest once recommended to pour myself one whiskey on the rocks and relax. Worked like a charm. It was the one part of my day I would get home, take off my tie, pour myself a drink, and unwind after a long night. It was pure relaxation. 

"Classy Bum"
watercolor and pen

The second part of the project was to create a piece that incorporates your object in any way you wanted. I originally was going to make piece where you would normally see a whiskey decanter, like a classy bar scene with a gentlemen and lady in conversation. BORING. I then played with the idea of seeing this classy object with an unexpected owner. The juxtaposition of having a bum pouring himself some whiskey out of this fancy decanter had some humor that I wanted to elaborate on. The penguins reactions are confused and angry to this unusual situation and also act as another simplistic element to the setting. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


pages from my moleskine
pencil and charcoal

I try to sketch as much as possible in my sketchbook. Sometimes when I can't fall asleep I just start sketching whatever is running through my mind. Every once in a while I'll add to sketches and make them more personal. This was a drawing of my ex I did a while back then added more meaningful elements to it in the morning.